Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby Food Warmer When Did You Start Feeding Your Baby 1st Age Baby Food And What Foods Did They Like Or React Negatively To?

When did you start feeding your baby 1st age baby food and what foods did they like or react negatively to? - baby food warmer

At what age do you have with your baby at 1 Age of baby food? My son is almost (within a few days) 5 months (I know a little about his childhood, but the formula to eat much, I thought I would try to see how you take it and maybe add one or two bottles of baby food) and began to give, and he was doing well until I gave him carrots. I think he may suffer from constipation. So when are you to feed your baby infant formula 1 alt, and what foods they like it or not, or have had negative reactions?


naughty girl said...

My baby was two months old, I wanted to eat every hour or so when the doctor told me to start production of cereals and fruit, stage 1, only applesauce and pears.

krista_f... said...

I started my son when he spent 5 months. I wanted more than 8 ounces formula at each meal and you thought no bottles more than 8 ounces, it was about time, haha. We begin with a dinner, sleep about 45 minutes before the night would be followed by 4 oz right before bedtime. Slowly, more food as time. He is now 7 months and eats 3 meals a day. Our son loves all food, but seemed a little after eating rashy: carrots, peas and pears. Our Ped. said 9 months to new foods to try. Good luck to you!

Astragal... said...

My son started solids at 10 days shy of 6 months. We started him in counseling, after having several articles by renowned experts, the grain is not necessary at all. My son, the lawyer! I make my own baby food and made from bananas, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, vegetables and chicken for him. It seemed that everyone, even if they sometimes wrinkle their noses into the various textures and the first test first.

wendy t said...

Back in '99 has usually four months and cereal from 6 months after the start of Stage 1 foods. I started with carrots, because it was sweet .... But of course, as a mother I wanted to try the "fun" things ... then came the banana and applesauce .... Since issuing the blueberry buckle was my fav ... I wanted to be loved, loved! I want to go with a meal for a few days and see how you feel about your little belly. If you have a stomachache or constipation .. maybe try something different ... Good luck to you!

Carolyn said...

4 months: 1 tablespoon corn that night. I have for a week, then try oatmeal for a week after barley. Once I tried everything 1 tablespoon of cereal in the morning. I once a while, I started the vegetables in about 5.5 months only at night. Once she got through all the vegetables, I began to fruit in the morning. It was all food from 6.5 months.

Carolyn said...

4 months: 1 tablespoon corn that night. I have for a week, then try oatmeal for a week after barley. Once I tried everything 1 tablespoon of cereal in the morning. I once a while, I started the vegetables in about 5.5 months only at night. Once she got through all the vegetables, I began to fruit in the morning. It was all food from 6.5 months.

Carolyn said...

4 months: 1 tablespoon corn that night. I have for a week, then try oatmeal for a week after barley. Once I tried everything 1 tablespoon of cereal in the morning. I once a while, I started the vegetables in about 5.5 months only at night. Once she got through all the vegetables, I began to fruit in the morning. It was all food from 6.5 months.

Anonymous said...

At 4 months, I started my daughter on some rice cereal. It was a disaster. For your constipation. So at 5 months, we started with the fruit puree and try steamed vegetables, fresh and slow. So far, we have bananas, spinach, mango, kiwi, apple and pear, and none of them has a reaction. In fact, she loves them all. Never use a pot with food, BT, if you want, there is no harm to start a little food NOW. Just Do It scarce. Not too much at once.

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